Anya laughed properly for the first time! 28th Sept, 2000
She turned over on her stomach for the first time! tues 16 Jan, 2001
She started grabbing the dummy from Olga's mouth and putting it in her own mouth!!!14th Feb, 2001
She now claps her hands a lot! Late March, 2001
She says Mamma and Maaaaam!!! Early April, 2001
After slowly learning to crawl she now bounces and holds on to the edge of the sofer standing up! April, 2001
She says Dadda! Aprox May, 2001
She has been mad about Bear in the big blue house for ages now! Keeps saying, "Bear" or "Ba". July, 2001
She has two bottom teeth. She sings and dances and can climb into her push chair and onto the sofa. Also has a new laugh that sounds false!!! Sept, 2001
She can walk quite a lot....her latest word for dummy is bite but she says beet instead! And can say wee baby! Nov, 2001
On Christmas morning we were awake before Anya. I woke her up by saying, "Wanna wave to the lights on the Christmas tree". She liked doing that! She woke up straight away looking for the tree and when she got downstairs she was very exited to see her new Bear in the big blue house that talks and played on her zylophone a lot! Dec, 2001
Anya first learned to play immitating the voices of her toys in 2003 using the Bear in the Big blue house bath toys!
Long time since we updated this page but just so we dont forget. Something we say before bedtime since living in Manse Green in 2004 is "Cosy cosy cosy, Snuggle Snuggle Snuggle, then we laugh, then we kiss and then we read the story!".
We made up a story called 'Yonchy Monchy and Munchkin'. Anya said she pictures in her mind 2 people that look like rabbits and 1 that has a pumpkin head! Theres also Amina the horse who loves to drink water out of a pan, Malaboo and uncle Albert from Texas!!
Anya did not seem to enjoy nursery too much but in her first year of school she loved Miss Campbell.
Hunter was the thing she went on a bout every week in her news at school!!!
Anyas teacher is called Miss Low in P2 and she really enjoys it!
Just to do a catch up. (August, 2011) Anya has liked watching Disney Channel for a while. Hannah Montana (Miley Cyrus), Sweet Life on Deck, Good Luck Charlie and Sonny with a Chance. We still watch Hunter and have all Seasons. Others are Alf and Home Improvement. We always watched that. Anya has been doing well at school. She is a good swimmer. Learned by going swimming every Sunday!
Anyas best friend has been Ryan since P1. It was sad at the end of Aug, 2011 Ryan left to go to live in Mexico. Anya is good friends with Ruth and also keeps in touch with friend in Dublin called Caoimhe (Queeva!) She always goes to Arty Kids every year with Olga and Anya in the gallery.
Anya likes sculpting with plasticine and playing with Sylvanians.
To add to the list of teddies. After Bear it was Alf, Sooley ,Munk, Lotso hugging Bear (Strawberry) and of course Build a Bear!


© 2000 Anya Tara
Stanza Imaging